Halbur Family

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Quotes From the Past

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"You come from a family that cares about family."
-Mary Halbur

"What impressed me the most about them, and influenced me a great deal was their sense of justice and fairness."
-Sr. Bernadette

"World War Two, it wasn't appreciated if you spoke a lot of German."
-Bernard Halbur

The Halbur Family In America

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Halbur Family in America was first published in July, 1999 for the Halbur Family Reunion in Halbur, Iowa.

The research was begun by Sister Constance (Connie) Dorothy Halbur. She did the majority of work on our ancestors in Germany. This work was all on paper and cards. Making connections depended on good organization and memory.

Meanwhile I had been doing research on my father’s side of the family for thirty years. I started as Connie did with all my notes on paper but I had transferred the majority of my research to a computer program on an Apple II.

Connie was thrilled to see what I had done and wanted to know if I wanted to take on a similar transfer for the Halbur history. Of course, I was interested since I had married Patrica Kay Halbur and was now part of the Halbur family.

We worked together and produced the 1997 book for the reunion. It was a two volume set. It was a printed book which we sold for cost. The printing was partially funded by the School Sisters of St. Francis. We sold enough to recover our costs. We still have a few left which I will sell for the shipping cost.

Since then I have continued my research and in June 2017 published an update. The book has now grown to eight volumes. It is no longer a print version but rather is published as a series of PDF files. There is no charge for the book. It can be downloaded and viewed by any family member.

I only ask that if you use any portion of the book that you credit our research.

Also, I know that there are mistakes, omissions and missing data. I request that you forward any corrections or additional information to bob2w@hotmail.com so that it can be included in future updates.

The book traces the history of the Halbur family in Europe and the history of four brothers and two sisters who came to the United States. A description of each volume and a link to each is given below. If you do not know which ancestor you are descended from, you can send me your information and I will let you know. Of course you can download all the volumes and do your own search.

I hope you find these books interesting and informative. I will periodically update the files and publish a notification on this website. Please spread the word to other family members.

-Bob Weithofer

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